Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

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Now I Rise

Now I Rise

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Now I Rise

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 13 hours and 25 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Listening Library

Audible.com Release Date: June 27, 2017

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This book made me want to read the history. I dislike historical non-fiction, but this book made me want to do some research. I actually did look up some of the main characters from this story and the whole story is now very familiar. It is so inspiring to see how this author has blended historical fact with fictional characters long forgotten to make us all interested in their fate.I feel like this story moved faster than the first book because it covered a much smaller time span. That seems wrong, but the first book covered decades and this story takes place over a year or less. This story alternated between Lada and Radu’s POV. Radu is sympathedic to Lada but wants Mehmed to love him. Lada wants her country and feels Radu’s rightful place is with him. Things are finally getting put into place for both Mehmed and Lada to achieve their life long goals leaving Radu with the scraps.I really loved the historical setting for this story. There is something to be said for writing historical fact into a fictional setting. The author describes this gritty time in all its uncomfortable glory. The clothes, the housing, the weather, it is all well laid out for the reader. I think the most interesting place we visited in this story, and there was so much traveling happening here, is Constantinople. The city is not at all what Mehmed and Radu think it will be, but somehow it is exactly what I imagined a 15th century city to be.Lada is ruthless in this story. Living in the 15th century she hates the way women are treated and she vows to change that for the women in her own country. She gets her hands dirty, she is under estimated, she is the warrior her country needs to lead them. Lada struggles with her sexuality. She doesn’t regret leaving Mehmed but she needs something to fill the void. Lada seems bloodthirsty but she is only the product of a bloody family line that takes what they know is theirs. Lada spends most of this story building alliances in preparation of one final stand to demand the crown she knows is hers.Radu leads his life with his heart. He is torn between the safety of Nazira, his wife who he has grown to love very much in a platonic way, and pleasing the sultan he desires. Radu is such a good man and he is just in his approach to life. He may not be the warrior Lada is, but he fights for what is right. His is sickened by the war created by Mehmed for a city that isn’t really great, but housing some new friends Radu knows are worthy of living. The most disturbing aspect of Radu is that he fights for a religion he feels home in that forbids his very nature. His trials are heartbreaking. Radu has grown so much from the last book becoming possibly my favorite character. I need to see Radu with the happy ending he deserves.This is fast becoming one of the greatest series ever. The characters are unforgettable. I can’t wait for the conclusion to this saga and I am secretly dreading it. Even the ending of this book was bloody brilliant. If you haven’t read this, I suggest you go right now and pick this up. Once again for this series,if I gave 6 stars, this sequel would get it.

I love this book. Oh my gosh I love this book! It's the sequel so I'll spoil things that happen in the first book so only read if you have read And I Darken. Anyways, Lada is own her own with men she trust trying to take back her throne and it's not going well. Can I just say I love Lada with all my heart. She's mean, she's vicious, and she gets what she wants because of it. There were some points where I thought she can't get crueler but she does and I love her more for it. Now understand it's a historical gender bended retelling of Vlad the Impaler and totally fiction, Vlad was horrible so Lada is horrible. If Lada was real I'd probably hate her but she's not. I don't agree with her or how she acts but I loved how she refused to stop to get what she wanted. The story is split between her and her brother Radu and the different journeys they had taken from the first book. Lada going after her throne and Radu staying with the sultan going after Constantinople. Can I say Radu is an idiot and that he should have went with his sister without the world yelling at me? Sure he stayed for love but Mehmed didn't love him and didn't want anything to do with Radu outside of friendship. Their relationship and what Radu would do to survive in the war waged made me sad for him. He can't see his own worth outside of how other see him and it kind of broke my heart. Then the worth Lada gave herself was so much compared. They are the direct opposite of each other. I love it all. It was a relatively fast read when I had the time for the actual size of the book. I enjoyed the old side characters that made their appearances and the new ones. I really want another in the series that goes so far off the truth of history where Lada just rules the world but alas won't happen. If you want a good Slytherin book series this is it. It's filled with ambition and powerful people. I loved it.

Don’t even think of picking up this book until you’ve read the first book in the duology, And I Darken; you need to know the main characters and their backstory, as told in that book, in order to appreciate or even make much sense of this one.The two books focus on the interesting idea, “What if someone with the personality and heritage of Vlad Dracul had been born female?” The author is thinking of the historical character, not the vampire; this is an alternate history, not a fantasy. It’s not the sort of broad-sweep alternate history that, say, Harry Turtledove writes, but rather focuses chiefly on just a few characters. Those characters’ effect on history, however, plays a much more prominent role in this book than it did in the first one, in which the three main characters were merely teenagers. They are now mature adults, living out the destinies that were established in their youth.The chief characters are Lada, the female Dracula; her brother, Radu, nicknamed “The Handsome” (also a real historical character, but one about whom little is known); and the Ottoman sultan Mehmed II, who became known as Mehmed the Conqueror. In the first book the three, raised together after Lada and Radu’s father, the Voivode (prince) of Wallachia (now part of Romania), left them in the Ottoman court as hostages, formed an intense love triangle: Radu, who is gay, loved Mehmed; Mehmed loved Lada; and Lada, though strongly attracted to Mehmed, loved only Wallachia, of which she was determined to become the ruler.The relationships in this volume are less intense, partly because Mehmed is offstage for most of the story, and Lada and Radu, between whose narratives the book alternates, are separated throughout. However, they are more complex, especially for Radu, who is caught up in conflicting loves and loyalties when Mehmed sends him to Constantinople as a spy and he develops feelings for people he meets there. The book has a lot of thoughtful things to say about such conflicts and, above all, about the cost to oneself and others of obsessions: Radu’s with gaining Mehmed’s love, Mehmed’s with conquering Constantinople, and Lada’s with taking control of Wallachia. The book doesn’t really, in my opinion, have much new to say about the Dracula/Vlad Dracul story—but it shines in its character development and examination of human relationships.

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